Thursday, July 03, 2008

The Downside of Gadgets and Travel

Next weekend I am heading to Asia- the Philippines and Japan to be exact. And besides loving the travel, I love that gadgets can help me stay connected while traveling. You all know how much I have blogged about gadgets and convenience (if not, just look).

However, one major point of frustration is the fact that I need a 3G phone for Japan. The last few days I have pondered my need for connectivity and what I could use to survive in Japan without voice, text, GPS and email at the tip of my fingers at all times. I think I have concluded that it will be WiFi with my Eee and calling cards with pay phones. Admittedly, this solution hurts a little. It is so old-school. I feel a bit lacking in my gadgetry that I don't have a better idea. And renting a phone will just get me ripped off - I would be better off buying a 3G phone on eBay, which is also a waste, but at least you keep the phone. (Still, I might cave in to the rental idea.)

A day before I leave the new 3G iPhone goes on sale. It is so tempting! But I can't imagine signing up with AT&T right now and parting with my BlackBerry - I want to wait for more options.

My final thoughts- I had believed that there were a lot of really cool phones out there. I am not sure why all "world" phones don't support 3G. After this research, I realized that devices and service still have a way to go. However, maybe I will see some awesome and inspiring stuff in the electronic neighborhood (Akihabara) of Tokyo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should totally get the iPhone. Peer pressure! :-p