Wednesday, April 23, 2008

TechCocktail DC 2 Tomorrow Night (and why we need it)

Tomorrow night is TechCocktail DC 2 and I am very excited. I am looking forward to seeing both old and new faces in the DC Tech community and just having a good time.

Now, I know there has been a lot of discussion about defining and organizing the community along with goals for DC Tech as a whole. But I really like the undefined part of tomorrow night. I think all of the focused events are very important to the individuals, the small defined groups and the larger community in DC. However, all of that can be nicely tempered by events like TechCocktail. I know I have been able to talk a few people into attending this as their first DC tech event because of this vagueness and the more cocktail party side of it.

We should keep this in mind. Having a mission is great. But sometimes just getting together and socializing is just as healthy for our community, (whatever it is).

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