Thursday, July 31, 2008
A Rant On Requirements
Well, this is where I feel the pressure as the program/project manager. The responsibility to make sure we have a comprehensive set falls on me. I am comfortable with this - yet this is where it is crucial that I know my scope and stakeholders before beginning the requirements gathering process. So, if you ever participate on a program or project team, please be patient through the initial steps. You may know your stuff, but the PM needs to get that information from you as well as possible.
Let me know if you want a 3,000+ requirements document to chill with and I will send you a link ;)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
You Need Project Manangement
I have been around the DC tech community for almost 2 years and I want to get some discussions going about how to get stuff done more efficiently and effectively. I don't mean anything too formal or process heavy. I mean some simple application of the project management theories that work.
Email me, liz[at]the315[dot]com, if you want to talk about project management with me. This is what I do for a day job and I actually enjoy it.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Direct from the Philippines
Its been an amazing trip so far. But that's not all that I wanted to write about.
I love technology. I have had access to all of my regular addictions and conveniences. If it wasn't for the change in content and strange times, no one would know I was really halfway across the world. The only thing I couldn't do was attend the Twin Tech event. I hope it was as much fun as it sounded!
Photos to come.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Road Safety
A close neighbor of mine was bicycling to work this morning when she was struck and killed by a vehicle. If you know her or read the news, you know the details, so, I won't cover them.
But please take a moment while reading this to appreciate the importance of safety on the roads. I know I will try to be more aware of it the next time I drive, walk or bike.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
The Downside of Gadgets and Travel
However, one major point of frustration is the fact that I need a 3G phone for Japan. The last few days I have pondered my need for connectivity and what I could use to survive in Japan without voice, text, GPS and email at the tip of my fingers at all times. I think I have concluded that it will be WiFi with my Eee and calling cards with pay phones. Admittedly, this solution hurts a little. It is so old-school. I feel a bit lacking in my gadgetry that I don't have a better idea. And renting a phone will just get me ripped off - I would be better off buying a 3G phone on eBay, which is also a waste, but at least you keep the phone. (Still, I might cave in to the rental idea.)
A day before I leave the new 3G iPhone goes on sale. It is so tempting! But I can't imagine signing up with AT&T right now and parting with my BlackBerry - I want to wait for more options.
My final thoughts- I had believed that there were a lot of really cool phones out there. I am not sure why all "world" phones don't support 3G. After this research, I realized that devices and service still have a way to go. However, maybe I will see some awesome and inspiring stuff in the electronic neighborhood (Akihabara) of Tokyo.