However, I like it. Maybe its my personality and my generation but I like that I am one- in that my online me and my real life me are the same. The idea that they blur is comforting...
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Web 2.0 and Being One
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
TechCocktail DC 2 Tomorrow Night (and why we need it)
Now, I know there has been a lot of discussion about defining and organizing the community along with goals for DC Tech as a whole. But I really like the undefined part of tomorrow night. I think all of the focused events are very important to the individuals, the small defined groups and the larger community in DC. However, all of that can be nicely tempered by events like TechCocktail. I know I have been able to talk a few people into attending this as their first DC tech event because of this vagueness and the more cocktail party side of it.
We should keep this in mind. Having a mission is great. But sometimes just getting together and socializing is just as healthy for our community, (whatever it is).
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Email Tagging and Auto-Filing
So, I have come up with an idea that I like better: creating tags for email topics and inboxes that auto-file based on them. Now, I know the Gmail conversation sorting solves part of this, mostly for personal emails. However, in the work email context some "projects" span multiple conversations. And I have folders for these projects/topics to file my emails in but I have to do it manually. And auto-filters are an imperfect and obtruse alternative. If in the initial emails (non-replies), one could tag the email having that tag carry through the subsequent replies. If it is a new tag, there might be some prompt for all contacts involved to ok it. And a similar prompt could be used when someone wants to change the tag. A tag would be synced to an email folder for all involved contacts (mapping would be automatic). Ideally, one could control the timing an email remains in an inbox before being auto-filed and an action flag could also potentially delay that.
This is just some random rambling about possible improvements to the current way email is done. And I know I am not the first to notice or attempt to solve the fact that email is broken.
Also, not to get ahead of myself but the syncing of contacts, projects and emails could be integrated across software and users in a much better way than it is currently. MS Office seems to still be the norm but I think its time we revolutionized our approach to this stuff. (Google?)
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mobile Phones
First thought, can I even call it a phone anymore? I definitely email more from this mobile device than I speak into it. But then again, VOIP and Fring might revive this for others.
Second thought, how much does size matter in relation to capabilities? For those of you that know me in person, you know that the pockets on my clothes cannot be that big. That is why I own a little Pearl with little buttons on it. It fits me. If Apple was to release an iPhone with 3G and GPS, would I consider it worth the extra bulky pocket?
(Side thought, the new Google Maps app makes a pretty respectable attempt at finding me without GPS. Not creepy at all!)
Third thought, the cameras in phones still leave something to be desired. My digital camera is small and cute and has nice features and takes good pictures. The BlackBerry Pearl camera, well, I have to be pretty desperate to use it. (To be fair, I like that they got a flash in there.) And I know the iPhone takes pretty good pictures. But admittedly, they still have a ways to go.
Fourth thought, and you know what, I want video, too. (So, demanding!)
Fifth thought, I want my music to listen to and videos to watch without carrying another device. Again, still lacking here. My music collection wouldn't fit on any of the current phones.
Sixth thought, back to the dirty trackball. I will trust my friends with iPhones that touch screen is the way to go. At least I wouldn't be cleaning a tiny trackball for an hour every few months.
Last thought, I think Wi-Fi would be fun, too.
So, the final equation is: BlackBerry Pearl features and size + 3G + GPS + Canon SD1000 + video + 60 GB iPod + touch screen + Wi-Fi = perfect mobile device!
Now, I just have to wait for someone to make it - which is ok, I am stuck in a contract anyway :/
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
One Thing That Has Always Bugged Me About Facebook and Photos
In fact, their entire approach to photo management is a bit off. So, I have to go to three places to see photos of someone: profile pictures, photo albums and tagged by others. Conclusion: Facebook needs to rehash their approach to photo management. They could one-up MySpace if they added the tagged-in photos seamlessly, too.
Monday, April 07, 2008
DC 48 Hour Film Project
This year's competition will be held the weekend of May 2-4.
This will be my first big film project in a while - its been years of vacation filming and the occasional music video for a local band. So, I am very excited to be part of a larger and more organized project. The last time I participated in the production of a real short film had to have been in college.
Although, I am not heading the team, I am happy to be a part of one. I will keep posting updates. If anyone else is participating, let me know!